Trip 0, Day 4

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Shakedown continues for us in our not-so-risk-free trial. Be sure to visit our social media pages, links in the title bar, to see our video on Day 3.

Day 4 involved one of the dirtiest jobs of the RV lifestyle: The emptying of the tanks. This included both the grey tank, which is used sink and shower water, and the black tank, which I'm sure you can imagine as to its contents. It's a messy job, but it must be done to not only keep the weight down, but so we're able to continue living. Normally it's a simple hook and dump, but when the RV isn't level because of the location, some interesting things can happen. Needless to say, the sensor readers are not exactly something to be trusted.

As we progress from day to day, one common annoyance that seems to creep up quite a bit is the amount of accumulated garbage. This includes food wrappers, compost, and especially the number of empty bottles of water. Sure, we brought tumblers to carry with us, and we have a hook-up for potable water, but that doesn't always mean it's the best to drink. Back in the house life, we were lucky enough to get a commercial water dispenser with a decent filter for our water needs, but no such dice on the road. Tack on that many places we go will be truck-in-truck-out, and some solution will need to be found. It may be as simple as smaller litter bags and gas stations.

One of our major lessons learned, if we're banking on the generosity of family, friends, or even the house we still have in preparation, is to be cautious of electricity usage. We're up to three breaker trips from overloading household electricity. Although the trailer is rated for 30 Amps, that doesn't mean we can run everything at full blast, as most household breakers are only rated for 15 or 20 Amps. The air conditioning and water heater seem to be the biggest culprits, although the refrigerator and electronic entertainment options could play a factor. There's still some time left in the shakedown to get it right, so here's to hoping we find that sweet spot.

Just a little time left on the shakedown before our first real trip begins. We'll be announcing that location very soon, so be on the lookout. And always remember to follow your internal compass.

WRITTEN May 19, 2021 at 07:25 PM
TAGS: trip 0
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