Entertaining Ourselves on the Road

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Living the RV lifestyle full time is quite the adventure. We move the home from place to place, work camping as we go, usually for a site hook-up, and perhaps also a small stip-end for groceries and fuel. All work and no play, though, would make life on the road quite boring. We have to find some way of entertaining ourselves.

The easiest way for us to find entertainment in our spare time is to step outside the RV. Each time we setup and un-pack, it’s a different environment to allow for good variety. Sometimes it will be as simple as taking a walk around the grounds. Usually the place is rural enough that there are trails or natural features to intake. We could be at a national park or forest, which offers plenty of goodness in nature. If we’re parked near a small or mid-major city, the local Chamber of Commerce may sponsor free concerts and events in a park during warmer weather to bring business traffic. Even if it’s just a night on the town, many of these cities offer free parking in the evening.

Sunny days don’t always come to home, even if you’re in a desert oasis. Remember that you may need to pack a few things to be able to do inside the RV. Card games, board games, and puzzle books are always a nice choice. If you prefer the electronic route, you could hook up a video player and bring along a collection. Remember that you may not have internet access, and streaming videos will chew up a lot of your data quota (running videos all day on a streaming service can easily get up to 10 GB per day), so be prepared. Maybe you want to program something for a laptop, a tablet, or even a cell phone that could entertain you. So long as you have room to be able to store it, you can do just about anything. Remember that a wireless router will still work to connect devices between each other, even if it’s not connected to the outside internet.

There’s always some way to entertain yourself when RV living full time. Take stock and consider what you want to do, and if necessary, how much you’re willing to spend. All you have to do is to follow your internal compass.

WRITTEN May 17, 2021 at 07:54 PM
TAGS: rv living
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