The next disc golf match is upon us.
Welcome to Ingleside, Texas, and Live Oak Park for the site of this match. Live Oak Park is a free-to-access municipal park and is home to two disc golf courses, and we are playing the easier Red course. Although the concrete tees and holes are numbered, some of the signs have since faded making it difficult to know where to go. Thankfully, along with an online map, we were joined by two somewhat experienced gentlemen on our trip through the front nine; we'd like to thank Eric and Matthew for playing along with us.
Our session saw the four of us playing the front nine. No pup, handicap still in play, and thanks to our guests for allowing us to sample some of the other discs that are available to the discerning disc golf player. Some of the holes were a little tricky, but we were able to get through them with only a couple of discs in the trees, this time choosing to drop without penalty. How did the scores go?
Course Result:
Front Nine:
His Holes: 3
Halved: 2
Her Holes: 4
Course Record: Him 3 - 2 - 3 Her
Holes Record: Him 22 - 19 Her
This match found him having a dreadful start, hitting tree after tree by allowing her to take an early two hole lead. He started to pull it back in hole 3, but some awful putt luck (dinged off the hole, similar to a lip-out on the ball-and-club counterpart) meant a trade back in hole 4. He brought it back to even in the next two holes, while seven and eight were halved, leaving the lunch prize to the ninth hole. A choke on the tee, followed by yet even more bad putt luck gave her the win in the match play. He was able to win the strokes 54-55, but it's the match play that counts for the record books.
This brings us to a tie in course record, with him having an edge on holes. Who will take the edge on the next course? We'll find out next time, but until then, Follow your Internal Compass.
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