Freedom Rolling is back with yet another brew review! This time, we're looking at some beers in South Carolina. As always, please ensure that these, or any brews, are enjoyed in accordance with not only local laws wherever you may be, or any regulations from the campground where you may be staying.
Come down to the Atlantic Cost of Charleston, South Carolina, home of Edmund's Oast Brewing Company. One of their popular popular offerings is a dark brown Dopplebock known as "Wolves at the Door". As with many beers of this type, this particular one is a bit on the heavy side, so it's probably not one you'll want to enjoy in the summer by the lake. Save this brew for the winter season, as the sweet and smooth taste will help you to curl up by the fire on a colder night.
Take a quick trip northwest to Greer, South Carolina, and the Southern Growl Beer Company. While there, perhaps you'll want to sample their "Garde Dog", a French-style bière de garde offering known for its lovely golden color. Although this particular brew goes down smoothly, there is that slight hint of hops that is able to keep the drinker's palette excited. This is a good brew for those who seem to like a little of everything in their taste buds, and is suitable for all seasons.
Heading a little south, we look to the Good Times Brewing Company in Greenwood, South Carolina. First founded as a pizza restaurant known as The Mill House, they would later expand to also include a brewery. One of their offerings is the Irish Whip red ale. One sip of this particular brew, and it is everything that a red ale can and should be. From the lovely amber color to just that subtle bitter hop taste behind the smooth malts, drinkers will want to enjoy this concoction for a long time to come at almost any point in the year. Consider having poured from a nitrogen cask instead of through carbonation, and it's a possible contender for one of the best beers in the country.
Before closing this one out, just a quick announcement about the beers of South Carolina: Most of the brews that we review come from micro-brews, farm brewers, and similar classifications. Unfortunately, a number of states have been placing stringent and sometimes excessive regulations on brewery-bars, more specifically "establishments that sell and serve alcohol", requiring expenses that these companies cannot reasonably handle. More information can be found at this link.
So as your Internal Compass takes you across the country, try some of the local craft beers as able, and see how they fare for you.
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