Brew Review: Atrium Brewing

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The time has come upon us for another brew review! Louisville, Kentucky is the place we are headed, this time to Atrium Brewing, a few blocks from Shelby Park with a quaint section of outdoor seating behind the building. As with this and all other brew reviews, please ensure that these, or any brews, are enjoyed in accordance with local laws wherever you may be.

First up is the Meatball Italian pilsener. The main difference between an Italian pilsener and the traditional German pilsener is the hop taste that is found, and this pale colored brew certainly tastes more moderately hopped compared to other beers across the board. When you try this offering, there is a sharp bite that is experienced when first sipped. If you're not used to this style of beer, it may not be something that you'll want to seek out, as it is an average brew.

Heading a little further down the flight, we find the Velcro Sneakers amber lager. Aside from the reddish color you'd expect from this style of brew, that familiar smooth amber scent and taste will sing proudly, while there will be no lingering aftertaste in your mouth once you finish a sip. If you're a red or amber lover, this is probably one of the most refreshing you will have in this category, and it does rank as a top tier brew for any craft beer lover to enjoy.

With two down and two to go, we give the Steep Hill IPA a try. Presented in a yellow, hazy color, the scent of citra hops will emanate when first presented to the drinker. With one sip of this brew, there is a very strong sense of the hops as you would expect from an India Pale Ale, but good control is shown by the brewer in that there is no aftertaste to be found. It might not be the way to ease into the category if you aren't used to it, but it is certainly one of the better choices in the country if you're looking for some good hops.

Finally, we come across the Sobremesa Mexican lager. The golden color gives the drinker what you'd expect to see from a cerveza, but if you're looking for a bold statement of excitement south of the border, you'd best turn to another brew. Sobremesa has a very empty taste, sometimes seeming as if the drinker is having flavored water. It looks to be one of the newer offerings from Atrium as not much additional information was found, and perhaps this is a good thing, as it could use a trip back to the drawing board.

So if your Internal Compass takes you to Louisville, Atrium isn't too bad of a place, but there's no shame in being selective on what you pick.

WRITTEN Feb 02, 2025 at 11:22 AM
TAGS: brew review, kentucky
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