Freedom Rolling Q&A

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From time to time, we get questions about our RV adventure. Today, we'll be giving our answer to a few of those inquiries, and we'll be including more Q&A sessions from time to time.

  • What made you guys decide to leave it all behind?

Living on the road is something we've had in the works since we got married, since road trips have been an integral part of our relationship. We were at an important crossroads in our lives a few years ago, deciding whether we would buy a house or live on the road. Sadly, career was viewed as important at the time, and job obligations required us to stay where we were, with a second job acquired to build up savings after buying the house. With neither of us having job obligations for our own reasons, we figure this is the best time to try something new.

  • How will you get mail, packages, or anything important?

With most business affairs taking place online these days, a large chunk of the paper trail has been replaced. However, for the times something physical is needed, we'll be using a mail service. For full-time RVers, this also serves as the official domicile address for tax and registration purposes, and once we're comfortable with the lifestyle, we'll dive in as well. The service sends pictures of the mail and packages, and gives you the option to have it sent where you're either staying seasonally, or even a trusted friend or family member.

  • If and when you have kids, how will you adjust and educate them?

Living with children on the road will have similar challenges that living with them at home have. As for educating them, they will be primarily home schooled to learn "the three R's". The good news is, on the road, hands-on education is much more practical, and they would have a much better chance at applying the knowledge they gain. The National Park Service also helps greatly with educational opportunities through their "Junior Ranger" program, of which we'd take full advantage. It is our hope that they will also have social interactions either with kids also camping where we will be, or even some locals in the area.

We'll have more questions and answers in the future, but until next time, remember to Follow Your Internal Compass.

WRITTEN Apr 29, 2021 at 06:00 PM
TAGS: qna
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