Keeping Your Sanity as a Full-Time RVer

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To go full-time RVing, whether alone or with a family, you already have to be slightly crazy. However, after a few months, especially with outside dependencies who have pre-determined the "acceptability" of this lifestyle, or lack thereof, it can drive you absolutely insane. So how do you keep your sanity?

One of the main drivers of insanity as a full-time RVer is space. Is it really the amount of space you carry with you, or merely the perception of the same? Sure, the home is much smaller than your typical suburban house, and because people have grown so accustomed to the castle, it's all you might see. Once you step outside the four walls, you begin to see the space you truly have. Millions of square miles surround you, and it is your oyster. Some of the most prominent people in history have been explorers. Sure, people thought they were crazy, but it was those four walls that made them that way. You might not have a paragraph about which your descendants read in the fifth grade, but maybe you won't become insane by feeling trapped.

With the space comes the proximity to the family. Let's face it, with a moving home and a single vehicle, you're going to be with your family a LOT. It doesn't matter how well you got along before you packed it all up, either, because being around each other for that long will drive you bonkers. So how do you make it work? Figure out a way to have some "alone time". Take different jobs for workamping, different schedules, or even different locations. Maybe one person is outside "the walls" while another person is inside. Most importantly with doing this, though, is to make sure the time is respected. If you're calling the other every half hour, are you really giving them that space?

One other important thing, and it even applies if you full-time on your own, is to give your body a chance to relax. Just like the stationary lifestyle, a delicate balance between work and play is needed. You may have decided to get into the RV to "re-tune" yourself. Give yourself that chance! Nature provides plenty for you to be able to do this. Sure, one set of issues may have been traded in for another, but the fear of them becoming overwhelming doesn't have to burden you. Take a little time, gather yourself, and then you'll be able to have more focus and concentration on what needs to be done.

Following your Internal Compass no longer has to become a nightmare of insanity. There are plenty of ways to re-focus yourself, and it will become something to enjoy for a lifetime.

WRITTEN Feb 27, 2022 at 10:45 AM
TAGS: rv living
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